Contemporary creation in the global era

International experimental project

Concept and direction Anna Dora Dorno – Nicola Pianzola Performer Anna Dora Dorno – Nicola Pianzola
With the participation of the performers of the International Laboratory Instabili Vaganti
Live media artists Saul Saguatti | Basmati Film
In collaboration with UNAM – National University of Mexico Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco | UVA Unidad de vinculacion artistica | Festival Internacional Cerro de Arena
Sopported by Bologna City council – Cultural department
Metropolitan cities – Presidency of the council of Ministries – Youth department.


MEGALOPOLIS focuses its research on different themes that express the nowadays’ crisis of the contemporary society, developing performances, video, work in progress characterized by a strong presence of the actor’s body, by contemporary texts written and interpreted by the performers in different languages, by the interaction of music, media and visual arts.
The project refers to the current situation of economical and cultural crisis of the Western world which are leading to the collapse of capitalism and to the following crisis of its values, by letting weaknesses and contradictions appear, and at the same time new possibilities of reaction and change.
A research on the relation between tradition and contemporary, interculturalism and globalization that starts from the exploration of the memory of places and of the people belonging to the biggest metropolis of the globe.
A reflection around the new concept of “Global city” is born because of the effect of the globalization and of the constant increase of the phenomenon of urbanization, aiming to identify the common and standardized traits of the contemporary societies, and at the same time the ones hidden beyond the surface of the big urban areas, leaving out submerged cultural roots. The task is to explore both the positive and negative aspects of these changes and of their repercussions on culture, mass communication systems, on single individuals belonging to this global era.

The project foresees two ways of development by two different research processes.

MEGALOPOLIS # In the Cities
The project is being held in the biggest metropolis of the world or the project hosts artists coming from these megalopolis, through artistic residencies the aim is to develop and create performances, work in progress demonstrations of work, workshops and lectures at Festivals, Universities and Performing arts centres.

The project foresees long and structured experimentation and training programmes addressed to artists, performers, students and aimed to share the work of research on the project’s themes and to create performances and work in progress demonstrations.