Italian Institute of Istanbul production
Video Performance, ITALY - TURKEY 2020
Director: Anna Dora Dorno
Performer: Nicola Pianzola
Voice: Anna Dora Dorno, Fatih Genckal
Texts: Maria Francesca Stancapiano, Fatih Genckal
Original music and sound editing: Riccardo Nanni
Video shooting in Turkey: Cansu Pelin Isbilen and Fatih Genckal
Video shooting in Italy: Nicola Pianzola
Video editing and photographic post production: Anna Dora Dorno, Nicola Pianzola
Production: Instabili Vaganti and Italian Institute of Culture in Istanbul (2020)
Duration: 7 ‘
Time is a reflection on the sound of Absence, a concept that Instabili Vaganti has been investigating for several years and which, as part of the international Beyond Borders project, has decided to share with the Turkish performer Fatih Genckal. The video performance was made with a multidisciplinary approach that triggered an intercultural dialogue, intertwining traditional singing and the words of Fatih Genkal, the physical action of the performer Nicola Pianzola and the text of the scholar Maria Francesca Stancapiano interpreted by Anna Dora Dorno who takes care of the video direction of the work. The performance is completed by the original music composed by Riccardo Nanni who also takes care of the sound aspect, and the images shot by Cansu Pelin Isbilen and by Genckal himself in some locations in Turkey. The editing and photographic post production were handled by Instabili Vaganti who is the producer of the work together with the Italian Cultural Institute in Istanbul, which also managed the organization of the production phases and the translation of the original texts.