MADE IN ILVA The Ultimate Theatre
ONCEMORE….! …..Made in ILVA: The ultimate theatre….It was a horrible experience to see how the man is trnsformed into a machine and the whole human civilization into A monstrous industry or a factory through the proces of ”Brutalizaion”.
An intense performance by Instabili Vaganti. The music sounds and lights etc all were aimed to create a blast of the subhuman situations a man is doomed to undergo in the ILVA STEEL WORKS SCANDAL.
I had seen it second time.. With the enormous energy and inbuilt art MADE IN ILVA has responded with very higher levels of creativity to meet and expose the challenges of the Industrial capitalism where man or a worker is forced violently to produce…produce and produce…for survival and for his bare existence. The space control and the movement of body of the actor with a very well written and documented script, and perfecy voice support by the Director pin pointing the strategy of the play, the Italian theatre has implicated every possible form of theatre which can expose the hidden realities of so called work culture..its a pathetic outcome which seems to have no alternative except a cry…the daily chorus of a factory worker,without zero possibilitites of doubt makes a sense an a purpose to produce something different in the name of theatre for Jaipurites. Thanks…
This was a mind-body and heart theatre made in ILVA, THE STEEL WORK SCANDAL OF AN AN INDUSTRIAL BRUTALIZATION…what is organic and what is inorganic in body mind relationship is actualized in the real theatre -The contemporary Hermit from experimental centripetal and centrifugal acting and direction by Ann Dora Adorno and one time and space performer Pianzola…the wonderful…from his full feathom five deapth of theatrical exercize. For Jaipurwala’s it was a feast…
Seen at Ravindramanch auditorium – 8th Theatre Olympics in Jaipur