Acción Global por Ayotzinapa
Direction Anna Dora Dorno
Dramaturgy Anna Dora Dorno, Nicola Pianzola
Performers Anna Dora Dorno, Nicola Pianzola, Armida Pieretti
Original music by Alberto Novello JesterN, Eyky RAP, Yeudiel Infante
Stage objects Anna Dora Dorno, Luana Filippi
Production Instabili Vaganti
With the patronage of Amnesty International Italia
Nominated to Museum Cervi Awards – Theatre for memory 16° edition
Supported through artistic residencies by
Teatro Akropolis, Genius Loci Project, Genoa.
Emilia Romagna Teatro Foundation, Bologna
Centro de Gestion Escenica Tierra Independiente – Oaxaca – MEXICO
UVA Unidad de Vinculacion artistica del centro cultural Universitario Tletelolco – Mexico City – MEXICO
The performance received the patronage of Amnesty International Italy for the ability to express worldwide this mexican tragedy involving the audience in one only shout “We are not all…We miss 43!”
DESAPARECIDOS#43 aims to give voice to the dramatic event of the 43 mexican students disappeared on the 26th September 2014 in Ayotzinapa. In order to do that the company explores his own research and work experience in Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina and collects testimonies and stories of students and artists involved in the international project MEGALOPOLIS#Mexico, created and directed by the company.
A production with an international cast of actors and dancers from Italy and Mexico. An original dramaturgy in two languages, made not only of words but also of physical actions, projected images, songs, sounds and voices that are still screaming “Todos somos Ayotzinapa!”. A strong performance of a great emotional impact, an artistic Re-Action to a tragic reality: the enforced disappearances afflicting Mexico.
DESAPARECIDOS#43 is not only a performance but also an authentic act of rebellion, a work exalting freedom of opinion, expression and demonstration which are worldwide threatened. It’s an artistic example of the international influence of mass media and globalization and how they can sensitise the public opinion and help to ask for justice.
DESAPARECIDOS#43 is also a hope hymn, able to let red flowers grow from a stack of bloody clothes. “They wanted to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds”
A theatre performance of a touching civic engagement, created through an innovative working method that converts interviews, facts and informations into poignant physical actions, images and emotions for the audience.