New tour in India in Bangalore - Pune - Mumbai

Dante Beyond Borders_ph A_Likht_S_Giudici

The Italo-Indian co-production Dante Beyond Borders, co-produced by the Italian Institutes of Mumbai and New Delhi on the occasion of the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the death of the Supreme Poet will be on tour in India with three dates: 11 December at the Bangalore International Centre as part of the Bangalore Hubba Festival, with the support of the Italian Consulate of Bangalore, 14 December in Pune as part of the IAPAR International Theatre Festival programme, where he will also hold the Millenial footsteps workshop on 13 December, and 20 December at the prestigious NMACC in Mumbai, with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute of Mumbai. The tour is supported by the Ministry of Culture.