The Sound of Absence

Rags of memory International Project

Workshop in the “Rags of Memory” project

Directed by Anna Dora Dorno and Nicola Pianzola
with the collaboration of the musician Riccardo Nanni

The workshop represents a way to approach the research, the themes and the techniques developed within the “Rags of Memory” project, with a focus on the study of vocal practice, singing, rhythm and music.
The workshop aims especially to re-elaborate songs, music and stories bound to the oral culture and tradition, in order to modernise them and reuse them as new elements for the elaboration of a performative action.
The participant will take part in an individual and collective vocal training, developed within the project. The training will not only aim to technically train the voice, cut also to connect the body with its own spirit and abilities to express itself. Fundamental, in this sense, will be the work on the “singing body”, which means on the connection between breath, rhythm and acoustics. This work will lead to the discovery of the impulses that activate the different resonators and make a vocal score actually alive. In addition, the work includes the study and exploration of individual and choral songs, harmonic and polyphonic, sacred and profane, popular and archaic, all coming from the rich Italian tradition as well as the ones of the countries that have hosted the project. During the workshop the participants will learn different vocal warm-up techniques, in connection with the individual’s body and mental state. They will also study some songs suggested by the company in order to end creating individual and group vocal actions.
However, the learning process of this vocal techniques will never be separated from the physical training, in order to re-discover the connection between the organicity of both the body and the voice. The physical training consists of a work on the rhythm-time, on the handling and exploration of the scenic space, on the different energetic temperatures, on the impulses and the qualities of movement itself, on the relationships and interactions between individual and choral actions, and it also includes the study of fragments of ritual dances and physical actions.
In order to take part in the workshop, one shall collect (through audio recording) songs and voices from the past, that shall then be brought as working material, essential to the training. It is also possible to collect the materials through video recording (smartphone).
This materials will be brought together and re-elaborated by the musician Riccardo Nanni and used during the workshop ad a sort of “sound carpet”, to and with which each participant is supposed to relate.

To register you must send an e-mail to the following address: indicating the subject “iscrizione workshop”/ “workshop registration” with attached Curriculum Vitae and a motivational letter. Please, also specify whether the registration is for the whole course or for one or more modules. The company will choose a maximum of 15 participants.