BEYOND BORDERS // performative and phisical actions for a theatrical activism

The workshop comes from Instabili Vaganti’s long-standing experience in facing strongly actual issues as social commentary and political activism using physical theatre, performance art and multimedia. Throughout extended tours in Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Korea, China and India the company has worked in contact with different cultures in heavily critical political environments and borderlands. The workshop will focalize on theatre as a tool of social commentary and – at the same time – as a means of expression for the performer’s creative freedom. The performer will have the possibility to interact with different forms of art. The participants will follow the physical, rhythmical and vocal training conceived by the company to acquire the necessary instruments to reconstruct an Agora, a Polis, meant as a founding structure of theatre itself, as an ideal place to experiment a plural opinion. The workshop represents a concrete action to stimulate in the performer the awareness of his/her own political role in the framework of a civil commitment emotional theatre that can take charge of the global problematics in the contemporary society producing a positive reaction that’s positive inasmuch artistic and poetic. The workshop is addressed to: performers, actors, dancers, students.


– Physical and vocal training: perception and attention dilatation, exploration of the different tensions and energetical temperatures, action and reaction impulses of the body and comprehension of the relationship between word and physical action, acrobatic elements for the stage, body-voice vocal exercise of connections
– Spatial dynamics and time-rhythm perception: study of rhythmical steps and rhythmical variations in space in a single-group dialogue dynamic.
– Comprehension of the concept of Chorus from the Greek Tragedy, study of overall choreographies and mass action
– Performative language study: comprehending and owning the relationship between organicity of movement and sound, decomposition of gesture and word, capability of working in relation to other expressive meanings as music, video and images
– General issues as globalization, civil war, the feminist movement, border walls between nations and its crossing will be discussed on the basis of real facts as the recent developing of the revolution in Chile, the political situation between Mexico and USA, North and South Korea etc…


Instabili Vaganti
Instabili Vaganti is characterised by research and experimentation in physical theatre and contemporary performing arts. It has presented its productions and projects in over twenty countries, translated its works in over three languages and collected many national and international awards. The company has represented Italian theatre in initiatives of world importance, including the Theatre Olympics in India and the Year of Italy in Latin America.

“Research, investigation and rigorous training are central to Instabili Vaganti’s practice”
(Paul Allain – Rags of memory ed. Cue Press)

Anna Dora Dorno
Anna Dora Dorno: Director, actress and theatre pedagogue. She was born in Taranto in 1976 and graduated from DAMS in Bologna. In 2004, she started Instabili Vaganti, an artistic duo of which she is director and performer. Her shows have been hosted by major festivals and received several awards. As a pedagogue, she has taught at the most important theatre academies and faculties in the world including the National School of Drama in India, the Shanghai Theatre Academy in China and the Grotowski Institute in Poland.

Nicola Pianzola
Nicola Pianzola:Performer and theatre pedagogue. He was born in Novara in 1977 and graduated from DAMS in Bologna. In 2003, he received the award Le Arti per la Vita. Co-founder and performer of Instabili Vaganti, he is well-known to the public thanks to the award-winning show MADE IN ILVA, nominee for the Total Theatre Award at Edinburgh Festival 2014.


– The participants will have to bring training clothes for in and outdoor (as well as tennis shoes), a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt
– It will be demanded to memorize a text fragment, to present a brief physical action and bring on an USB pen one multimedia element. All these proposals should be inherent to the workshop thematic (photos, video, music)


9 – 11 September 2020 h.10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
LIV Performing Arts Centre – Bologna

TO PARTICIPATE it’s necessary to fill the ON LINE APPLICATION FORM .