Manjari Sirvastava, Jansatta, India

Bharat Rang Mahostav’s most remarkable theatrical performance was “Rags of memory”. Anna Doro Dorno’s impeccable direction and acting coupled with actor Nicola Pianzola’s stunning performance are a veritable representation of the outstanding level that international theatrical performances have achieved. This theatrical piece makes use of bodily and phonal actions, live music and video projections to make it a fundamentalist and experimentalist work. The scenes have been divided into 3 circles of light containing elements of rice, soil, stones, water and fire.
Rags of memory is a timeless garden where mysterious and ceremonial actions and songs are presented in a fundamental and unique way either through projections or by the actors. Acting is a metaphor for the cycle of life in which birth, compassion and death are represented and have been made stable in the timeless yet recurring rituals. (Translation from hindi)